Wednesday, January 12, 2011


            The beginning of the experimentation starts with the collection of sea water. This will be collected from Galveston, Texas. This will be done with the aid of gloves so that the experimenter does not contaminate the water and also so that experimenter is safe from any potential danger. Also the experimenter will wash their hands and refrain from eating on the site of collection. Another safety risk is the growing of the bacteria with the use of mixed liquor (sewage slush), which is basically human waste, in the freshwater environment. However, the experimenter will wear gloves, mask and  apron and the experimenter will cover the cultures after inserting the bacteria into the environment thus that the air will not get contaminated. Also this experimental step will be done outside to prevent any air borne bacteria from harming humans. When removing the bacteria the experimenter will be in a level two lab thus all safety measures such as lab coats/aprons, and gloves will also be taken. When using the dechlorinator the experimenter will have gloves and an apron on.  Upon the TOC analyses the experimenter will get the lab technician (or the qualified scientists) help in order to avoid damage to both self and the machine. Last but not least the cleanup will be done with the help of a certified environmental scientist who is the mentor for this project.

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